Friday, November 12, 2010

Nummos Aliens

It has been said aliens called the Nommos, from the Sirius System, visited Earth thousands of years ago where they taught the Dogon people some knowledge about the solar system.  These particular aliens also appear in Babylonian, Accadian, and Sumerian "myths".  The Sirius System, known as the Canis Major Constellation, is near the Orion Constellation where there is speculation that Orion is where Satan's "seat" resides.  Interestingly, Orion is depicted as the hunter in constellation drawings and the Canis Minor and Major Constellations, as the hunter's two dogs.  This could symbolically mean the Orion System rules Sirius and holds them on a "leash" using them to catch their "prey".   

Canis Minor, the small dog, is at the top and Canis Major, the big dog, is located at the bottom.  The picture below shows the hunter Orion.

The hunter Orion appears to be "armed" with catastrophic nuclear weaponry with harboring the red star Betelgeuse in it's constellation, set to explode as a super nova.  

Recently some sky viewers have claimed the Sirius system has been pulsating.  This is reported as different than seeing a star "twinkle".  Some people have even gone as far as to claim it is sending them messages through pulsating codes which transmit into understandable communication telepathically.

The Dogon people live on the Bandiagra Plateau in Africa from about the year 200 BCE.  This is reportedly the same place as what is known as Mali, Africa. According to Dogon legend, the Nommos Aliens lived on a planet that orbits another star in the Sirius system. Apparently they landed on Earth in an "ark" that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind. 

  Below is a modern picture of the Dogon Tribe from Africa.

The Nommos Aliens are described as looking like amphibious beings that resembled mermen and mermaids. There is speculation that they evolved into, or were genetically engineered into being, what we know as the black race.  One might also speculate that the Nommos's new creation survived the biblical flood because of their amphibious nature.  It appears as if the theory of man evolving from fish is more or less correct, but only race specified due to genetic engineering by the Alien Nommos.  Only fish like creatures would have survived the flood from the wrath of God.  As relayed in the bible, the fallen angels or Nephilim, (Nummos Aliens?) were banished to Earth and interbred with the daughters of men.  
The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown. The LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the LORD said, 'I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the ground, man and beast and creeping things and birds of the air, for I am sorry that I have made them.'
After the biblical great flood, where it is told that God was so appalled with the cross breeding of His sons, Aliens and the human men, He had to kill them off with a flood, choosing only Noah and his clan to live, it now appears that not everyone died after all.  As relayed in the bible, God killed all living things with a catastrophic flood, preserving only the true human men God made in His image, Noah and his clan, who were given a chance to try to live peacefully and abundantly on earth, under God's rule once again.   One can speculate that the Nommos had something up their sleeve with saving some human men.  The human men who were supposed to have been killed off in the flood were likely genetically engineered with being cross bred with the Nummos genes who were amphibious.  Only fish like creatures could have survived the flood.

As one theory of evolution goes:  As time went on, this first cell developed into amoeba-like organisms and other primitive creatures that could survive in the ocean. After millions of years, these creatures evolved into fish. Some of these fish developed lungs so that they could survive outside of the water. Gradually they began to make their way onto land as the first amphibians. These amphibians then evolved into reptiles and the earth soon became populated with great dinosaurs. Some of these reptiles started to develop legs that could move around better, and these creatures became what we today would call mammals..."
One can speculate here that the theory of evolution is actually a cover-up of genetically altered beings that were eventually fined tuned to look like human beings.  Sounds like the Nommos were hard at work! And as it has been said before, the best place to cover something up and prevent a person from discovering it is right under their nose.  The theory of evolution has been taught in pubic schools for decades and removes the original and true God from the picture.  One can speculate that this is exactly what the Nommos wanted; they wanted to be seen as Gods.  At one time the Nummos were worshipped by the ancient pharohs but due to continued cross-breeding over the years, most have begun to worship themselves.

The Nommos preserved their own cross bred humanoid amphibious species helping the Prince of Darkness rule earth after the biblical flood.

The First Lady wearing a symbolic mermaid/fish like skirt visiting India this month, November 2010.  It should be noted the Indian Hindu religion worships the Nummo Alien, as the God Vishnu - Lord Vishnu who is a merman derived from the amphibious Alien Nummos.  Here it appears as if their genetic engineering has mutated even further with 4 humanoid arms instead of the typical two. 

President Barack Obama looks similar to Akhenaten, who is the father of monotheism and Michelle Obama looks very similar to Akhenaten's mother, Queen Tiye.  These ancient egyptian creatures genetically engineered by the Alien Nummos adopted worshiping one single God to conceal the real God.  These "royals" worshiped the sun god Aten.  This was equivalent to worshipping science which includes genetic engineering and cloning.  In reality, this sun god Aten represented  science.  

Currently, there is some speculation that cells for cloning were retrieved from the "Royal" Ancient Egyptian mummies bringing the Pharaohs back.  Possibly this was combined with specific mating as well.  One can surmise that something was definately altered somewhere along history that is to the benefit of the ancient Pharaohs, Nummos Aliens and the Prince of Darkness, also known as Satan.


  1. As if the biblical entity was ever Divine. He is blatantly evil.

    Not to mention YHW is listed as one of El's sons in Canaan. There were 70 elohim sons and they were each allocated a nation. Many versions of the bible still admit that Yahweh's ALLOTTED INHERITANCE WAS JACOB.

    He tried to supplant El in Canaan and Jacob also means supplantor.


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