Friday, October 15, 2010

Sad news. Governments deem their citizens as unworthy of ET Disclosure after Oct. 13th 2010 event?

There is public speculation regarding the Chilean Miner's being paid actors to distract people from the UFO event on Oct. 13th 2010. On October 13th main stream news gave 24 hour coverage to the Chilean miner rescue giving minimal coverage to the UFO event. The rescue became a massive international news event with
the CNN network, which was the only one to air continuous coverage of the rescue operation, which averaged about 1.95 million total viewers between 8 and 11 p.m., on Oct. 13, 2010, and MSNBC, which had about 1.02 million total viewers, and Fox News Channel with about 3.2 million total viewers. (Read more: The other two news stations continued on with their normal programing. Then to top this all off, the miners came out looking extremely healthy and are now being oddly quiet about their ordeal as supported by main stream media evidence days after the rescue.

At the same time Fox News reported on October 14, 2010 the director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs said ""We Earthlings are poorly prepared to respond should there be contact from aliens..." "Statistically, extraterrestrial life is a possibility," Malaysian astrophysicist, Mazlan Othman, told journalists in New York, where she is attending a General Assembly meeting on cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space."

Question is, when exactly was the meeting and where are the minutes to this meeting? Fox News is reporting this as new info on Oct. 14, 2010, but when I went to UNOOSA's website I see the last meeting on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space was held from 9-18 of June 2010 at the United Nation Office in Vienna, Vienna International Center, Austria. So what kind of meeting was really being held in New York? What's with the sloppy, planned to be sloppy or not, reporting?

And maybe Mazlan Othman was coached to say what she did after evaluating the public's response with psycho social experts monitoring internet forums, phone calls, the television stations watched by people, along with covert and non covert cameras, such as live webcams, placed in cities across the U.S..

And yet another notable is the miners being trapped in the earth for 60 days, giving plenty of time for buiding up public attatchment to that event and then conveniently rescued on the day of the UFO sightings of Oct. 13, 2010 and the former NORAD Officer's prediction of an Oct. 13, 2010 UFO event taking place. To make this even more facinating is NASA's involvement in the miner's rescue with NASA engineers helping to design the POD to get them out.

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