Friday, October 15, 2010

Sad news. Governments deem their citizens as unworthy of ET Disclosure after Oct. 13th 2010 event?

There is public speculation regarding the Chilean Miner's being paid actors to distract people from the UFO event on Oct. 13th 2010. On October 13th main stream news gave 24 hour coverage to the Chilean miner rescue giving minimal coverage to the UFO event. The rescue became a massive international news event with
the CNN network, which was the only one to air continuous coverage of the rescue operation, which averaged about 1.95 million total viewers between 8 and 11 p.m., on Oct. 13, 2010, and MSNBC, which had about 1.02 million total viewers, and Fox News Channel with about 3.2 million total viewers. (Read more: The other two news stations continued on with their normal programing. Then to top this all off, the miners came out looking extremely healthy and are now being oddly quiet about their ordeal as supported by main stream media evidence days after the rescue.

At the same time Fox News reported on October 14, 2010 the director of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs said ""We Earthlings are poorly prepared to respond should there be contact from aliens..." "Statistically, extraterrestrial life is a possibility," Malaysian astrophysicist, Mazlan Othman, told journalists in New York, where she is attending a General Assembly meeting on cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space."

Question is, when exactly was the meeting and where are the minutes to this meeting? Fox News is reporting this as new info on Oct. 14, 2010, but when I went to UNOOSA's website I see the last meeting on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space was held from 9-18 of June 2010 at the United Nation Office in Vienna, Vienna International Center, Austria. So what kind of meeting was really being held in New York? What's with the sloppy, planned to be sloppy or not, reporting?

And maybe Mazlan Othman was coached to say what she did after evaluating the public's response with psycho social experts monitoring internet forums, phone calls, the television stations watched by people, along with covert and non covert cameras, such as live webcams, placed in cities across the U.S..

And yet another notable is the miners being trapped in the earth for 60 days, giving plenty of time for buiding up public attatchment to that event and then conveniently rescued on the day of the UFO sightings of Oct. 13, 2010 and the former NORAD Officer's prediction of an Oct. 13, 2010 UFO event taking place. To make this even more facinating is NASA's involvement in the miner's rescue with NASA engineers helping to design the POD to get them out.

Read more:

Earthquakes Oct. 13, 2010 to current - sonic booms

Officials said a 4.-5 magnitude earthquake had rattled parts of central Oklahoma and was felt as far away as southern Kansas around 9 am on October 13th.

Since Oct. 13th, Arkansas has been under assault with earthquakes which have increased in strength each day. The last one reported by stated a 4.4 mag occured on 2010/10/15 at 10:20:19 in ARKANSAS.

Whether these are significant to the progressing UFO phenonema or possible spacecraft, alien or not, or some kind of weaponry being detonated, or merely a natural occurance is subject to debate.

Some witnesses in these earthquakes are relaying sonic boom like descriptions.

Srange Weather Patterns on Dopler Radar Oct. 13/14 2010

The National Weather Service revealed gigantic blobs covering the entire east coast of the United States starting in the evening of Oct. 13, 2010 on their doplar radar. This pattern continued the next day, the 14th, and towards the evening of that same day, the blobs were now just located in the south east.

Speculation is the strange blob patterns were actually UFOs or space craft. It is interesting to note that at the same time UFOs and other oddities were seen in the sky on Oct. 13th and that it followed with bad weather; with a huge cloud layer covering the entire east coast of the U.S. obscurring vision from the ground for over 24 hours.

Airports Radar Facility in NY Evacuated 10/13/2010

The associated press(AP) NEW YORK said that authorities said that the radar facility which handles all arrivals and departures for New York City's three major airports was briefly evacuated. It was reportedly done so after the smell of gas. All flights were delayed which led to delays at LaGuardia, Kennedy and Newark airports. Many of the general public do not believe that the facility was evacuated on the pretense of smelling gas and think it is related to the UFO sightings in the New York area that same day.

This apparently happened around 6:45 pm on Oct. 13, 2010, Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Jim Peters said. Although, a handful of air traffic controllers were allowed to remain behind. Peters stated all the others were able to return about an hour later.

Some people may speculate that only certain air traffic controllers were allowed to stay and the rest evacuated in order to prevent sensitive information from leaking out to the public as to what was showing up on radar revealing the unusual activity in the sky.

This info is from CBS News:

Thursday, October 14, 2010

NASA engineers help design POD that carried 33 miners out of pit on 10/13/10

From the Virginia Pilot:

Cragg is an engineer at NASA's Langley Research Center, and he helped design the 13-foot-long pod that carried the miners to safety. "To see them in good health, to see them coming out smiling - it's a good day."

Cragg, who is 55 and spent 26 years in the Navy, became involved with the miners soon after they were

discovered to be alive. It was mid-August and the Chilean government had called the U.S. State Department looking for help. So the State Department called NASA headquarters, which called Cragg, who seemed a natural choice for the assignment.

Since leaving the Navy seven years ago, the Ohio native has worked for NASA's Engineering and Safety Center. The program was set up after the 2003 space shuttle Columbia disaster to analyze high-risk projects.

Three days after the call from headquarters, Cragg and three other NASA employees - two doctors and a psychologist based in Houston - were on a plane to Chile.

At first, Cragg had no idea how the Chileans might use his expertise. His only directive was to report to the mine site and help in any way they asked.

"We got there about a week into the rescue effort," Cragg said. "It was a very busy time. Breakthroughs were being made hourly." The Chileans were already talking about a rescue capsule, but they'd developed no plans for building it.

Cragg and his colleagues spent five days there, providing guidance on a range of issues, including the miners' medical, psychological and nutritional needs. Cragg drew on his time in the military to offer advice on organizing the rescue effort and coping in confined, below-the-surface spaces; he served on seven submarines, lastly as a commanding officer.

On its final day at the mine site, the NASA team sat down for a meeting with Chile's health minister. "We told him, 'You really need to start coming up with some very specific ideas for how this capsule is going to work,' " Cragg said.

Then they left. A few days after they got home, the health minister sent an e-mail. Can you help? he asked.

Cragg quickly assembled a team of 20 engineers. Roughly half worked from Hampton. The others were scattered in NASA offices across the country. They toiled 16 hours a day for three days, then sent the Chileans a paper containing 75 specific suggestions for the design of the capsule.

Among their ideas: The pod should move on spring-loaded rollers so it doesn't grind against rock as it travels up and down the rescue shaft. A loose harness should be installed in case a miner loses consciousness during the ascent to the surface. The capsule must be built so one person can operate it alone; someone's going to have to be the final person pulled from below.

The Chileans used many of NASA's suggestions in their final design. "We're just glad we could help," Cragg said.

OCTOBER 13, 2010

by vincenZ32

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
Has anyone else happened to notice the connection of today's date (the 13th) with the Chilean miner rescue?

The capsule they used to rescue the miners was conveniently named "Phoenix" and was used to (symbolically) bring the "dead" (they were thought to be dead) back from the "ashes" of the "underworld" on the 13th day.... seems a bit strange for this to parallel what has been happening today and for it to be on the front page news all day. Just thought I would throw it out there.


Dude keep going and going with your theories here. I have had a few people call me up tday about the 10-13-10 = 33, of the number of chileno miners trapped and also the name phoenix. I have a feeling you have some more to say so keep going! you got me interested!

Neena 99 Red Balloons - German 2009 Version

NASA Live Feed Image...Approx 2350 EST 10/13/2010

Close to midnight, last night, October 13, 2010, I was viewing live feed from the Johnson Space Center/Live International Space Station Video.  When I first came on, the screen displayed a medium to light blue background with beautiful white cloud formations.  I enlarged the screen, set the computer about 3 feet away from me and watched the moving clouds.  From an artistic stand point I could make out wonderful shapes in the clouds such as faces and full bodied figures of what could be seen as mystical or heavenly beings. 

After viewing this for a while I directed my attention to another website, which is the website that shows all the following posts from other folks concerning what was seen in the sky during the day in NYC.  I then had an urge to go back and view the live NASA feed again and the screen displayed what appeared to be huge, soft, puffy looking roundish lips in cloud form, almost taking over the screen, in different light pink and white shades.  The lips moved gently, as if speaking.  Each move was different and it slowly hovered a bit from side to side.  It was quite beautiful actually.  This image lasted approximately a couple minutes or so.  I got to enjoy it for quite some time.  What is interesting to note is that from a distance the pictures of what ever was hovering in the sky that I've posted previously in this blog look fairly similar to what I saw.  Note should be taken that I saw the image on NASA's screen first, last night, and then saw the pictures later; just this morning actually.  While that object which was spotted during the day could have been the object I saw later that night on NASA's live feed, it also may not have been that exact object, but a replication of what was seen during the day created either with "thought form" by humans, created by humans using some chemical reaction, created by ET's, created by spirits, or created by God.  Or it could be coincidence.  What ever it was, it was very pretty and I am happy and thankful to have seen it.

Oct. 13, 2010 UFO

newick air port pics from:


Oct. 13, 2010 UFO

by hattomR2

I saw many of these white objects together with ohter passer bys at 17th Street & Park Avenue at the NE corner of Union Square. I am a teacher at at nearby high school and not a UFO freak, and never expected to see what I saw today. It was part fascinating, worrysome and scary.
I ran into the school after a while and took pictures with my Canon EOS. I caught 2 of the objects. But here is the strange thing. I saw at sparkly white with my eyes, but on the photos they all appear dark.

I went into max resolution in my iPhoto and something amazing happens. in the same frame in which my eyes from the ground were only able to see two of the objects my camera caught about 10 more in the same frame that were not visible with my eyes. If this is representative of what really happened today, there were not 50 over the sky of manhattan but 500 or even more.

How can I post my pictures. I just signed up with this site to add my sightings of today. to contact me.

UFO October 13, 2010

by v3trax

Omg Omg Omgg!!!!!!!...I frean saw 2ufos ...I was bridge near harrison and newark, It was just starting to rain before it turned into hail.
I was looking towards east which was towards nyc. At first it was quite clear how two objects strted moving in circles at incredible speeds. once or twice collapsing into single object and bursting into two again....damn was so exciting...tried to take pics but the lights were quite dim to be captured by my iphone...they were there from 730pm est and happened till 8pm or so...the clouds were getting thicker and thicker and it was very difficult to locate them....but damn they WERE there!!...

I can honetly confirm guys...I SAW it ...two objects ....moving at incredible speeds...and i tried to locate any flash lights just to be sure but there were none...!!
this was my first ever!!

Oct 13 2010 UFO

by suterlaben

I can actually confirm this one.

I work in Manhattan...I was standing in Times Square today (around 42nd street) and I looked up and noticed a white orb that floated right over Broadway. Now, I definitely think this could have been a balloon. But there are two reasons why I am also inclined to think it wasn't.

1) Given its height above the city, it would have had to be a fairly massive white balloon, which is certainly possible, but it's not typical.

2) It didn't seem to float in a very "natural" way. I wouldn't say it was definitely "intelligently controlled" either, but it looked at times as though it was slowing down, changing directions (only slightly, though), not just riding natural wind patterns. This could have been an illusion, though, I admit.

I had actually forgotten about it until I saw this post. I am an admitted believer in ET's and Earth visitation, but I was pretty inconclusive about this one. One thing I will say, though, is that I didn't see anyone else who seemed to be noticing it. I was with co-workers but I didn't feel the need to mention it to them because it wasn't obvious enough. It would be cool to hear from someone who worked in the upper floors of one of the skyscrapers. They would have had a much better view. Most New Yorkers who are walking the streets are way more focused on what's in front of them than what's above them. Especially in Times Square, where visual distractions are the only thing there really are unless, like me, you tend to look up once in a while.

Oct 13 2010 UFO

by scrap metal

Well I am am the guy who called into the Jack Blood show. I saw these UFOs, whatever the hell they were with my bare eyes. I live on 34th btw 9th and 10th in NYC. We got a call from a friend who was shopping in Midtown. I went out side and didnt see #. Went up to our fire escape and sure enough these were these silverish glowing orbs that changed position, stood still at times, and vanished and appeared spontaneously. I don't give a # if anyone believes me, I really didnt feel like typing this crap up. I have better things to do... but it made me laugh after I did a google search on it to see what was being said. Anybody who says it was ballons is talking out of their ass. These things had to be at 50,000 ft. I worked on A-6 Intruders in the Marine Corps, VMA 224, 2nd MAW out of Cherry Point, NC. I can gage these things pretty well. I believe they were some kind of military eye in the sky type of craft. I dont believe in aliens. Even if a craft landed in front of me and a little green man walked out I would still suspect the goverment. But that didnt happen.

UFO's Oct 13 2010

post by leeko

I just joined this site looking for a forum to tell about what I saw today, I live near 23rd and 8th and just went out to catch the ABC and NY1 reporters who did there report that you can see online or TV. Again, I feel compelled to write about what my girlfriend and i witnessed today. Make no joke about it, they were not balloons and the reports speak nothing about the formations that were formed and then broken between the smaller objects or about the "mothership" looking objects. I spoke to the ABC reporter after he finished his report and he was sarcastic and joking about it, and the report of course comes off that way. Nothing about the military fighters that I and several other people saw. The military did scramble jets at high altitudes without a doubt. The guys I spoke with were older blue collar guys that saw the jest with me as did my girlfriend. Their contrails and speeds were definitive. Also, the patterns and the quantity of the smaller objects and their separation and then their union were beyond belief. They were not normal. They covered several hundred miles in seconds to unite and then breakaway from each other. I only witnessed one, near the ending of the entire event, smaller object proceed from a standing holding pattern across what must have been miles of sky to unite with a larger object. They were not balloons. They stop and moved. Scattered and formed. The military fighter (s), was as I said extremely high, well above the commercial air traffic. Their was something up, and it was not normal.