Friday, October 15, 2010

Airports Radar Facility in NY Evacuated 10/13/2010

The associated press(AP) NEW YORK said that authorities said that the radar facility which handles all arrivals and departures for New York City's three major airports was briefly evacuated. It was reportedly done so after the smell of gas. All flights were delayed which led to delays at LaGuardia, Kennedy and Newark airports. Many of the general public do not believe that the facility was evacuated on the pretense of smelling gas and think it is related to the UFO sightings in the New York area that same day.

This apparently happened around 6:45 pm on Oct. 13, 2010, Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Jim Peters said. Although, a handful of air traffic controllers were allowed to remain behind. Peters stated all the others were able to return about an hour later.

Some people may speculate that only certain air traffic controllers were allowed to stay and the rest evacuated in order to prevent sensitive information from leaking out to the public as to what was showing up on radar revealing the unusual activity in the sky.

This info is from CBS News:

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