Thursday, October 14, 2010

OCTOBER 13, 2010

by vincenZ32

Originally posted by SonOfTheLawOfOne
Has anyone else happened to notice the connection of today's date (the 13th) with the Chilean miner rescue?

The capsule they used to rescue the miners was conveniently named "Phoenix" and was used to (symbolically) bring the "dead" (they were thought to be dead) back from the "ashes" of the "underworld" on the 13th day.... seems a bit strange for this to parallel what has been happening today and for it to be on the front page news all day. Just thought I would throw it out there.


Dude keep going and going with your theories here. I have had a few people call me up tday about the 10-13-10 = 33, of the number of chileno miners trapped and also the name phoenix. I have a feeling you have some more to say so keep going! you got me interested!

1 comment:

  1. These posts are from the website called Above Top Secret. The link to the thread can be found in posting further on down.


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