Thursday, October 14, 2010

NASA Live Feed Image...Approx 2350 EST 10/13/2010

Close to midnight, last night, October 13, 2010, I was viewing live feed from the Johnson Space Center/Live International Space Station Video.  When I first came on, the screen displayed a medium to light blue background with beautiful white cloud formations.  I enlarged the screen, set the computer about 3 feet away from me and watched the moving clouds.  From an artistic stand point I could make out wonderful shapes in the clouds such as faces and full bodied figures of what could be seen as mystical or heavenly beings. 

After viewing this for a while I directed my attention to another website, which is the website that shows all the following posts from other folks concerning what was seen in the sky during the day in NYC.  I then had an urge to go back and view the live NASA feed again and the screen displayed what appeared to be huge, soft, puffy looking roundish lips in cloud form, almost taking over the screen, in different light pink and white shades.  The lips moved gently, as if speaking.  Each move was different and it slowly hovered a bit from side to side.  It was quite beautiful actually.  This image lasted approximately a couple minutes or so.  I got to enjoy it for quite some time.  What is interesting to note is that from a distance the pictures of what ever was hovering in the sky that I've posted previously in this blog look fairly similar to what I saw.  Note should be taken that I saw the image on NASA's screen first, last night, and then saw the pictures later; just this morning actually.  While that object which was spotted during the day could have been the object I saw later that night on NASA's live feed, it also may not have been that exact object, but a replication of what was seen during the day created either with "thought form" by humans, created by humans using some chemical reaction, created by ET's, created by spirits, or created by God.  Or it could be coincidence.  What ever it was, it was very pretty and I am happy and thankful to have seen it.

1 comment:

  1. What I saw on NASA's live feed looked like the picture shown on the bottom left, but almost filled the screen and showed pink and white shades.


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