Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oct 13 2010 UFO

by scrap metal

Well I am am the guy who called into the Jack Blood show. I saw these UFOs, whatever the hell they were with my bare eyes. I live on 34th btw 9th and 10th in NYC. We got a call from a friend who was shopping in Midtown. I went out side and didnt see #. Went up to our fire escape and sure enough these were these silverish glowing orbs that changed position, stood still at times, and vanished and appeared spontaneously. I don't give a # if anyone believes me, I really didnt feel like typing this crap up. I have better things to do... but it made me laugh after I did a google search on it to see what was being said. Anybody who says it was ballons is talking out of their ass. These things had to be at 50,000 ft. I worked on A-6 Intruders in the Marine Corps, VMA 224, 2nd MAW out of Cherry Point, NC. I can gage these things pretty well. I believe they were some kind of military eye in the sky type of craft. I dont believe in aliens. Even if a craft landed in front of me and a little green man walked out I would still suspect the goverment. But that didnt happen.

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